Hotel Fire Protection Tips

  • Upon checking into your room make note of the emergency fire exit located nearest your room and then count the number of doors between your room and the exit. In the event of a fire signal, if there is thick smoke in the hall, at least you will be able to find the exit even if you can't see it.
  • If a fire begins in your room, report it to the telephone operator immediately and then only try to put it out if you're sure you can handle it. If you are at all in doubt, get out of your room and close the door behind you to keep smoke and flames out of the corridor. Sound the alarm and alert your neighbor.
  • When you hear the fire alarm sounding, immediately leave your room! Use the stairs to go to the main floor - do not use the elevator! Exit the hotel as quickly as possible and follow all directions from the hotel staff or fire authorities.
  • If you enter the hall and there is smoke, crawl along the floor where the air is clearer.
  • If the doorknob to your room is hot, do not open the door. Immediately, begin to fill the bathtub with water and get all the towels and washcloths in the bathroom wet, so that you can use them for protection.
  • If smoke begins to come into the room from under the door, place the mattress across the bottom of the door.
  • Try fanning the smoke with a wet towel to somewhat clear the air in order to make your way across the room to a window.
  • Place a wet cloth across your nose and mouth and stay as low to the floor as possible.
  • If flames are present, also place a wet towel over your head and body. Attempt to open a window. If it won't open normally, try to throw a chair through it. Once the window is opened, try to get the attention of the fire fighters or hotel staff below and follow their instructions.
  • Do not jump from the window of an upper story room, unless it is the very last resort.

Hotel Security Protection Tips

  • Acquaint yourself with all hotel emergency procedures.
  • Make sure you know where all the emergency exits are located nearest to your room.
  • When in your room, use all the security locking devices provided - be sure to lock any connecting-room doors.
  • Do not draw undue attention to yourself in public by displaying large amounts of cash or wearing expensive, flashy jewelry.
  • Never allow unexpected persons or strangers into the room. If the person claims to be with the hotel staff, always check with the main desk first before letting them in.
  • If at all possible, when returning to your room at night, use the main entrance of the hotel.
  • Never answer the door to your room without first looking through the "peep hole" and verifying whom it is. If you do open the door, use the security door chain.
  • Never keep unsecured valuables in your room when you leave it. Place them in the room safety deposit box or the hotel's main safety deposit box.
  • Check with the hotel concierge, or the front desk, when planning a walking trip through an unfamiliar city. The hotel staff will acquaint you with any sections of the city that are considered dangerous to walk through and that should be avoided.